The finalists were just announced for the Morpholio Pinup 2012 Student Competition. I’m honored that my metroport concept was chosen as a finalist! If you have an iPhone or iPad, download the Morpholio App and help support my project! The project with the most view time on the app by 30 May will be declared winner.

FINALISTS: Anthony Shung Yiu Ko (AA School of Architecture), Jonathan Choe (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jason Khoo (Singapore Polytechnic), Ivorin Vrkas (School of Design Zagreb Croatia), Matilda Schuman (Lund School of Architecture), Junsheng Fu (Tsinghua SA), Ziba Esmaeilian (SciArc), Tom Wilz (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point), Anesta Iwan (California College of the Arts), Dean Austin (Deakin Uni Australia), Chunxiao Xu (Tsinghua SA), Coralee Brin (University of Calgary), Tetyana Serafin (Norwalk Community College CT), Hiromu Noir (TU Berlin), Anna Pietrzak (University of Cincinnati), Trent Christensen (NYIT School of Architecture)
On behalf of the AIAS, ADC and AIGA, the Morpholio Project, along with Death By Architecture, congratulates the Pinup 2012: Student Competition Finalists. Pinup 2012 was assembled as a means to publically promote the research, exploration and investigation currently happening in academia. All of the submissions exemplified outstanding work and the competition organizers are grateful for the enormous amount of students who were bold enough to confront the world with their voice.
The Pinup 2012: Student Winner will be selected by public “EyeTime” as the most viewed collection on May 30th 2012. To view the finalists and contribute your “EyeTime” now for your favorite entrant, please download the competition app here.
The proliferation of device culture, social networking, and cloud technology are changing the way we work, and connect on a daily basis. For designers, this means that technology is not only transforming the process of production, but also the processes through which we share, critique, and organize ourselves around the work we do. The competition is first, and foremost an experiment in distributed intelligence. By leveraging the “wisdom of crowds” every designer can see and understand how his or her work is experienced by others. It has been predicted that in 2020, there will be 50 billion mobile internet connections worldwide, the equivalent of seven devices per person. Thus, this competition is not simply about the existence of technology, but rather why and how we harness it as designers.
PinUp 2012 poses the following questions: What are the standards and aspirations by which we evaluate design today? In an increasingly networked culture, what makes a project capable of cutting through the virtual noise, and starting a new conversation? How do evolving forms of media affect the way in which your message reaches its destination? What is your message?
The competition challenges you to confront the world with your work. By sending it out into the field you will test yourself and your projects. You are the designer, the curator and the critic.
PinUp 2012 was assembled by professors and students for students as a means to publicly promote the research, exploration and investigation currently happening in academia. It is supported by the AIAS, ADC, AIGA and is hosted by The Morpholio Project. Sixteen Honorable Mentions will be selected as well as featured in the Morpholio Community and the winning entrant will receive a Community area dedicated specifically to their University or School as a public forum for their work. We look forward to your participation.